NRHC Annual Meetings – December 3, 2013

NRHC will be hosting its Annual Meetings on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 from 8:30am to the mid-afternoon. All meetings will take place at the Rapoza Associates offices, located at 1331 G Street NW, Washington, DC.


Please remember to RSVP to the NRHC Annual Meetings. This helps us better prepare for the upcoming event.

To nominate an NRHC member for the Board of Directors, please return this completed Board of Directors Nomination Form by November 1 to Sarah Mickelson at Sarah AT Rapoza DOT Org.

Task Force Meetings

NRHC’s Task Force Meeting will be held from 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.  Task Force Meetings are open to all NRHC members.

  • Section 502 Consortium Task Force (Contact Tom Carew: tcarew AT fahe DOT org);
  • National Rural Self-Help Housing Association Task Force (Contact Peter Carey: Peterc AT selfhelpenterprises DOT org, or Contact Russ Huxtable: rhuxtable AT milfordhousing DOT org);
  • National Farm Labor Housing Directors Task Force (Contact Marty Miller: martym2 AT orfh DOT org).

Annual Business Meeting

NRHC’s Annual Business Meeting will be held from 10 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. The Annual Business Meeting is open to all NRHC members. At this meeting, NRHC members will elect the organization’s Board of Directors and Executive Officers for the coming year, review annual financial reports, and receive a comprehensive legislative report. 

Board of Directors Meeting

NRHC’s Board of Directors Meeting will begin at 11 A.M and is open to all Members.

Congressional Visits

Please note that NRHC is not hosting a formal “Capitol Hill Day,” however individual members are encouraged to meet with their Congressional delegation. If you need any assistance in scheduling these meetings, please feel free to contact Sarah Mickelson at Sarah AT Rapoza DOT Org.