NRHC 2014 Impact Survey

In recent years, funding for USDA Rural Housing programs has been cut significantly, making it more difficult for nonprofit organizations and state and local governments to improve housing conditions in their communities. To help protect these resources, rural housing and community development organizations must find new and better ways to document their impact and effectiveness.

That’s why we are inviting all rural housing organizations to participate in our 2014 Impact Survey.


Click here to download the 2014 NRHC Impact Survey TODAY!

The more organizations that participate, the better we can document the critical role rural housing organizations play in planning, developing, financing, and building affordable housing. For that reason, please free to send this survey to other rural housing organizations in your communities and ask them to participate.

Please complete the survey and return it to Sarah Mickelson at by October 10, 2014. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us directly via email or at 202-393-5229. And, remember to submit the survey only once; a number of organizations are assisting NRHC in disseminating this survey, so you may receive it from many sources.

Thank you in advance for helping make this survey a success.