Find Out Whether Your Community Is Eligible For Rural Housing Programs!

Earlier this year, Congress enacted the Farm Bill, which included a provision to extend eligibility for USDA Rural Housing programs through the 2020 Census.

Did your community make the cut? Check out NRHC’s new easy-to-use Rural Definition guide!

Use our guide to find out if your community is eligible and when families in your area can start accessing USDA’s critical housing programs! Phase 1 of USDA’s implementation takes place on May 6, so check out our guide today!

Under the new definition, a community is considered eligible if it (1) has 10,000 or fewer residents, (2) has 20,000 or fewer residents and is not located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area, or (3) was eligible in 1990— or was deemed eligible through special legislation—and currently has 35,000 or fewer residents. Your community is eligible, EVEN IF it lost its eligibility in the past, as long as it currently meets these standards.

Remember, if you need any additional help, please feel free to contact us at any time.