Vol. 54, No. 1 Vol. 54, No. 2 Vol. 54, No. 3 Vol. 54, No. 4 Vol. 54, No. 5 Vol. 54, No. 6
Category: Uncategorized
NRHC Annual Meetings – December 3, 2013
NRHC will be hosting its Annual Meetings on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 from 8:30am to the mid-afternoon. All meetings will take place at the Rapoza Associates offices, located at 1331 G Street NW, Washington, DC. IMPORTANT: Please remember to RSVP to the NRHC Annual Meetings. This helps us better prepare for the upcoming event. To nominate an NRHC… Continue reading NRHC Annual Meetings – December 3, 2013
2012 Rural Housing Reporters
2012 Rural Housing Reporters Vol. 53 No. 1 Vol. 53 No. 1 Addendum Vol. 53 No. 1 Addendum 2 Vol. 53 No. 2 Vol. 53 No. 2 Addendum
Thank You!
Thank you for signing our petition in support of rural housing and community development programs! For more information about the National Rural Housing Coalition, please visit our website at ruralhousingcoalition.org.
President’s Budget Skewers RD
Last week, the President released his FY14 Budget Request, which disproportionately hits USDA Rural Housing and Rural Development programs. In response, NRHC sent this letter to USDA Secretary Vilsack, using the Department of seeking to eliminate these highly successful programs. Our letter was picked up by the Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch, among other publications.… Continue reading President’s Budget Skewers RD
Using Local Media In Your Advocacy
NRHC’s Local Media Campaign Thanks to a generous grant from Capital One, NRHC has launched a new, local media campaign to raise awareness about the impact of Rural Housing programs and our newest report, “Opening Doors to Rural Homeownership.” As you know, building and sustaining strong relationships with your local media is one of the most effective… Continue reading Using Local Media In Your Advocacy
2012 NRHC Budget Bulletins
Archived: 2012 Budget Bulletins
Welcome to NRHC!
This is our first blog – which means, you are officially making history! Stay tuned….