Yesterday, Rep. Hinojosa (D-TX) issued a Dear Colleague letter, asking Members of Congress to join him in urging the House Appropriations Committee to fully fund USDA Rural Housing programs. PLEASE CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY and ask them to sign onto Rep. Hinojosa’s Appropriations Request today. The deadline to sign on is Friday, March 28. Congressional… Continue reading Ask Congress to Support Funding for Rural Housing Programs
Category: Blog
President’s Rural Development Budget ‘Races to the Bottom’
Last week, NRHC published a press release, criticizing the White House and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for leading a “race to the bottom” by proposing significant funding cuts to Rural Development programs, including those that help low-income rural families access affordable housing and grants that help small rural communities provide potable water and waste disposal… Continue reading President’s Rural Development Budget ‘Races to the Bottom’
Letter to the President
Earlier this week, Rep. Hinojosa (D-TX) finalized his letter to President Obama, asking that Rural Development be a higher priority in the upcoming FY 2015 budget. With your help, a total of 59 Representatives—including both Democrats and Republicans—signed onto the letter! This sends a clear message to the Administration that these programs are critical to… Continue reading Letter to the President
NRHC Annual Meetings – December 3, 2013
NRHC will be hosting its Annual Meetings on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 from 8:30am to the mid-afternoon. All meetings will take place at the Rapoza Associates offices, located at 1331 G Street NW, Washington, DC. IMPORTANT: Please remember to RSVP to the NRHC Annual Meetings. This helps us better prepare for the upcoming event. To nominate an NRHC… Continue reading NRHC Annual Meetings – December 3, 2013
Nominations Welcome!
All nominations for NRHC’s Board of Directors are due by Friday, November 1st to Sarah Mickelson at Sarah AT Rapoza DOT org. NRHC Board of Directors are elected by the membership to serve 3-year terms. This year, the Class of 2013’s term will expire on December 31, 2013. At the Annual Business Meeting in December… Continue reading Nominations Welcome!
New Report on LIHTC in Rural America
Yesterday, Rapoza Associates released a new report on the impact of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit in rural communities. Because LIHTC is often seen as an urban program, several NRHC members – including Self Help Enterprises, People’s Self Help Housing, South County Housing, Community Housing Improvement Program, and Coachella Valley Housing Coalition— wanted to educate lawmakers about… Continue reading New Report on LIHTC in Rural America
1,200 Signatures!
This week, over 1,200 rural organizations and advocates joined NRHC’s petition, urging Congress to fully fund USDA Rural Housing programs! Our petition sent a clear message: rural housing programs are critical to our communities and are a key tool to help improve the lives of rural families! Check out our petition here! And, thank you for… Continue reading 1,200 Signatures!
President’s Budget Skewers RD
Last week, the President released his FY14 Budget Request, which disproportionately hits USDA Rural Housing and Rural Development programs. In response, NRHC sent this letter to USDA Secretary Vilsack, using the Department of seeking to eliminate these highly successful programs. Our letter was picked up by the Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch, among other publications.… Continue reading President’s Budget Skewers RD
National Community Development Week
April 1-6, 2013 Starting on April 1st, communities across the nation will be celebrating the 27th Annual National Community Development Week, which brings together community leaders, government officials, and nonprofit organizations in support of HUD’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs. National Community Development Week is organized by a coalition… Continue reading National Community Development Week
2013 Impact Survey Results
Rural Housing Survey Shows Broad Economic Impact NRHC’s Impact Survey shows that in 2012, nonprofit rural housing organizations helped low-income rural families secure over $890 million in financing to build or purchase 8,392 units of housing, and helped 32,819 rural families gain access to clean and affordable water and sewer systems. This led to the creation… Continue reading 2013 Impact Survey Results