Today, NRHC delivered a petition signed by more than 1,400 rural organizations and advocates to Congress, voicing strong opposition to the significant funding cuts proposed in the President’s 2015 budget for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development programs, including a 60 percent cut in low-cost homeownership loans and over $150 million in grants that… Continue reading Opposition Mounts to Proposed Cuts in Federal Rural Development Programs
Find Out Whether Your Community Is Eligible For Rural Housing Programs!
Earlier this year, Congress enacted the Farm Bill, which included a provision to extend eligibility for USDA Rural Housing programs through the 2020 Census. Did your community make the cut? Check out NRHC’s new easy-to-use Rural Definition guide! Use our guide to find out if your community is eligible and when families in your area can start… Continue reading Find Out Whether Your Community Is Eligible For Rural Housing Programs!
Sign NRHC’s Petition TODAY!
Sign NRHC’s Petition In Support of USDA Rural Housing Funding For the 5th year in a row, the White House has used every excuse in the book to cut funding for USDA Rural Housing and Community Development programs, making it even more difficult for low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities to access affordable… Continue reading Sign NRHC’s Petition TODAY!
Keep Your Focus on the Senate
Senate Deadline is Less Than 1 Week Away! So far, 12 Senators have signed onto Senator Schumer’s (D-NY) Dear Colleague letter in support of funding for USDA Rural Housing programs, including: Boxer, Cantwell, Coons, Gillibrand, Heitkamp, Hirono, Leahy, Manchin, Sanders, Schumer, Shaheen and Wyden. PLEASE CALL YOUR SENATORS TODAY and ask them to sign onto Sen. Schumer’s… Continue reading Keep Your Focus on the Senate
Does Your Representative Support Rural Housing Funding?
Thank you for your advocacy! With your help, Rep. Hinojosa (D-TX) and 77 other Representatives signed onto a Dear Colleague letter urging the Appropriations Committee to fully fund USDA Rural Housing programs. This is 15 more Representatives than last year’s letter and a whopping 49 Representatives more than in FY13. Please remember to thank your Representatives… Continue reading Does Your Representative Support Rural Housing Funding?
Ask Congress to Support Funding for Rural Housing Programs
Yesterday, Rep. Hinojosa (D-TX) issued a Dear Colleague letter, asking Members of Congress to join him in urging the House Appropriations Committee to fully fund USDA Rural Housing programs. PLEASE CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY and ask them to sign onto Rep. Hinojosa’s Appropriations Request today. The deadline to sign on is Friday, March 28. Congressional… Continue reading Ask Congress to Support Funding for Rural Housing Programs
President’s Rural Development Budget ‘Races to the Bottom’
Last week, NRHC published a press release, criticizing the White House and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for leading a “race to the bottom” by proposing significant funding cuts to Rural Development programs, including those that help low-income rural families access affordable housing and grants that help small rural communities provide potable water and waste disposal… Continue reading President’s Rural Development Budget ‘Races to the Bottom’
2013 NRHC Budget Bulletins
Archived: 2013 Budget Bulletins
2013 Rural Housing Reporters
Vol. 54, No. 1 Vol. 54, No. 2 Vol. 54, No. 3 Vol. 54, No. 4 Vol. 54, No. 5 Vol. 54, No. 6
Letter to the President
Earlier this week, Rep. Hinojosa (D-TX) finalized his letter to President Obama, asking that Rural Development be a higher priority in the upcoming FY 2015 budget. With your help, a total of 59 Representatives—including both Democrats and Republicans—signed onto the letter! This sends a clear message to the Administration that these programs are critical to… Continue reading Letter to the President