The Dwindling Supply of Affordable Rental Housing

In September 2019 Elizabeth La Jeunesse, Alexander Hermann, Daniel McCue and Jonathan Spader of the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, authored the paper   Documenting the Long-Run Decline in Low-Cost Rental Units in the US by State. In this paper the researchers sought to answer the following questions: “1) has the number… Continue reading The Dwindling Supply of Affordable Rental Housing

NBC News Gets it Right: USDA Housing Needs More Investment

By Bob Rapoza, NRHC Executive Secretary We read with great interest the recent report by NBC News “Rats, roaches, mold: Under USDA’s watch, some rural public housing is falling apart.” The families profiled in the article are living in a terrible situation that must be remedied, and Washington policymakers must take action to ensure other… Continue reading NBC News Gets it Right: USDA Housing Needs More Investment

The NRHC Turns 50

The NRHC is celebrating its 50th anniversary

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Shutdown Impacts Rural Housing

As the budget stalemate in Washington drags on the consequences and impacts are becoming clearer and increasingly disturbing. Without any justification, the Administration has closed 25 percent of the federal government and among the casualties are agencies with the responsibility for financing affordable housing, clean drinking water, and community opportunity. NRHC members have reported about… Continue reading Shutdown Impacts Rural Housing

Congress Deals Rural Housing Organizations a Mixed Hand

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Bob Rapoza National Rural Housing Coalition 1331 G St NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC  20005 Phone: (202) 393-5225 Fax (202) 393-3034 Congress holds on passing rural housing funding, despite strong indications for the need and history of strong bipartisan support Washington, D.C. — October 1, 2018 — On Friday, the House of Representatives… Continue reading Congress Deals Rural Housing Organizations a Mixed Hand

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Greystone Leads Effort to Upgrade Rural Housing

Greystone Leads Effort to Upgrade Rural Housing for the Poor Shortages of affordable, low-income housing are reaching crisis proportions in some parts of the U.S. Plantation Apartments in Richmond Hill, Ga. New York finance firm Greystone & Co. has teamed up with federal and state agencies in Georgia to preserve 1,310 low-income rental apartments built… Continue reading Greystone Leads Effort to Upgrade Rural Housing

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Self-Help Homes groundbreaking in Provo, UT

Construction begins for seven families in Provo, Utah. Project supported by Self-Help Homes. FULL STORY: Seven families in Southern Utah are anxious to get started on what will be their new homes. A groundbreaking ceremony in LaVerkin last Wednesday turned over shovels of dirt, that will soon become a foundation. Four of the new homes… Continue reading Self-Help Homes groundbreaking in Provo, UT

Dear Colleague: Support Adequate Funding for USDA Rural Housing Service in the FY19 Budget

Congressmen Sean Duffy (R-WI) and Jim Costa (D-CA) are leading a Dear Colleague in support of USDA Rural Housing programs. Below, find the letter. Support Adequate Funding for USDA Rural Housing Service in the FY19 Budget DEADLINE: March 12, 2018 Dear Colleague, Please join Representatives Sean Duffy and Jim Costa in sending the following letter… Continue reading Dear Colleague: Support Adequate Funding for USDA Rural Housing Service in the FY19 Budget

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