NRHC’s Local Media Campaign Thanks to a generous grant from Capital One, NRHC has launched a new, local media campaign to raise awareness about the impact of Rural Housing programs and our newest report, “Opening Doors to Rural Homeownership.” As you know, building and sustaining strong relationships with your local media is one of the most effective… Continue reading Using Local Media In Your Advocacy
2012 NRHC Budget Bulletins
Archived: 2012 Budget Bulletins
Details on Upcoming Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting: Agenda, Speakers, Invitations, Etc The Board meeting will be held on March 5-6 at Rapoza Associates, located at 1331 G Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005. Please RSVP for the Board Meeting so that we can prepare enough materials for your Hill visits. As usual, we have a full agenda, including: Guest Speakers: Dallas Tonsager, Under Secretary… Continue reading Details on Upcoming Board Meeting
NRHC Comments on Proposed USDA Rule
Today, NRHC submitted comments on USDA’ s proposed rule that would allow the agency to seek civil damages against those who make false, fictitious, or fraudulent claims. While NRHC supports USDA’s ability to seek damages, we urged the agency to amend the proposal to ensure that nonprofit organizations are not unfairly impacted by this proposed rule… Continue reading NRHC Comments on Proposed USDA Rule
Rep. Fortenberry Features H.R. 273 In Year-End Report
In his Year-End Report, Rep. Fortenberry (R-NE) discusses his common-sense Rural Definition legislation, H.R. 273 The Rural Housing Preservation Act. Rep. Fortenberry warns that without Congressional action on his bill, more than 900 rural communities will lose access to what is often their only source of federal housing funding. “For communities across the nation, [changes to… Continue reading Rep. Fortenberry Features H.R. 273 In Year-End Report
Schedule: Board of Directors Meeting
The NRHC Board of Directors will be holding their next Board Meeting on March 5-6th. The Board will meet on the morning of March 5th, with Hill visits later in the afternoon. The Board will reconvene on the morning of March 6th.
NRHC 2013 Impact Survey
Rural housing organizations are in the midst of a very challenging political climate. Congress and the President are under increased pressure to continue to cut government spending. In this difficult environment, rural housing and community development programs must find new and better ways to demonstrate their impact and effectiveness. That’s why I invite all rural housing… Continue reading NRHC 2013 Impact Survey
RESCHEDULED: Board of Directors Mtg
Board of Directors Meeting Rescheduled For March 5-6 The NRHC Board of Directors Meeting has been rescheduled for March 5th-6th, instead of March 19-20 as previously announced. The Board decided that it would be best to reschedule the meeting for an earlier date in light of changes to Congress’s schedule on the debt ceiling and… Continue reading RESCHEDULED: Board of Directors Mtg
USDA’s 2012 Progress Report
Today, USDA released its 2012 Rural Development Progress Report detailing how it invested in job creation, businesses, infrastructure and housing in rural communities. While we already know the critical impact of these programs in our communities, it’s always helpful to have some numbers, facts, and figures. Did you know? In 2012, Rural Housing programs helped: 7,940… Continue reading USDA’s 2012 Progress Report
Spotlight: Edith Arreguis
Milestone on a Long Road to Success By Kathy Heinrichs Wiest Edith Arreguis can already picture herself and her son, Leixander, enjoying their new home in Goshen, California, a small unincorporated community of 3,000 in Tulare County in the San Joaquin Valley. Because options for safe, decent, and affordable housing are limited in Goshen, Edith… Continue reading Spotlight: Edith Arreguis