National Rural Housing Coalition members support the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing programs that aim to improve the quality of life and economic opportunity for America’s rural farmworkers. Today, farmworkers have the worst housing needs of all rural people. More than 60 percent of the 3 million farmworkers in the U.S live in poverty−a rate 5 times the national average. As such, farmworkers must overcome powerful barriers to decent housing, forcing many to live in substandard, crowded conditions.
Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing Programs
Section 514/516 is the only federal program that provides affordable loans and grants to purchase, construct, or repair housing for America’s farmworkers. Funds may also be used to install necessary facilities, including water and waste disposal systems. Over the history of this program, USDA has financed some 37,000 units of farmworker housing.
National Farmworker Housing Directors Association
NRHC members operate the National Farmworker Housing Directors Association (NFHDA). NFHDA’s mission is to be a common voice advocating for safe, decent, and affordable housing and related facilities – as well as job training and skill building – for farmworkers and their families. Organizations that would like to support farmworker housing can make a contribution to NRHC’s Farmworker Housing Fund. All donations are used to support NRHC’s work to promote better housing for migrant and seasonal farm workers. For more information about NFHDA, please contact Marty Miller at the Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing in Yakima, Washington at