Archived: 2012 Budget Bulletins
Month: February 2013
Details on Upcoming Board Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting: Agenda, Speakers, Invitations, Etc The Board meeting will be held on March 5-6 at Rapoza Associates, located at 1331 G Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005. Please RSVP for the Board Meeting so that we can prepare enough materials for your Hill visits. As usual, we have a full agenda, including: Guest Speakers: Dallas Tonsager, Under Secretary… Continue reading Details on Upcoming Board Meeting
NRHC Comments on Proposed USDA Rule
Today, NRHC submitted comments on USDA’ s proposed rule that would allow the agency to seek civil damages against those who make false, fictitious, or fraudulent claims. While NRHC supports USDA’s ability to seek damages, we urged the agency to amend the proposal to ensure that nonprofit organizations are not unfairly impacted by this proposed rule… Continue reading NRHC Comments on Proposed USDA Rule