FY 2013 Agriculture Appropriations

Agriculture Appropriations – Selected Program by Fiscal Year
($in millions)

RHS/RUS Programs FY12 Final FY13 President’s Request FY13 Senate FY13 House FY13 Final*
502 Single Family Direct  900 653  900  653  900
502 Single Family Guaranteed 24,000 24,000  24,000  24,000  24,000
504 Loans 10 28  28  10.2  28
504 Grants 29.5 28.2  29.5  17  29.5
514 Farm Labor Housing Loans 20.8 26  26  21  25.9
515 Rural Rental Housing 64.5 0  28.4  31.5  31.3
516 Farm Labor Housing Grants 7.1 9  9  7  8.84
521 Rural Rental Assistance 904 907  907  886.6  907
523 Self-Help TA 30 10  30  10  30
533 Housing Preservation Grants 3.6 0  3.64  0  3.6
538 Rental Housing Guaranteed 130 150  150  150  150
Multi Family Restructuring 2 46.9  27.7  12.7  27.8
Supervisory TA Grants 0 0  0 0  0
Community Facility Loans 1300 2,000  2,000 2,200  2,200
Community Facility Grants 11.36 31  13  18  28.4
Community Facility Guarantee 105.7  0  0  57.5  57.5
Water-Wastewater Loans 730  1,000   1,000   1,000  1,000
Water-Wastewater Grants 351  411  425.7 411  425
Water-Wastewater Guarantee 70  0  60  0  636
Solid Waste Grants 3.4  4  3.4  3.3  3.4
Small Systems Revolver 0.5  .497  1  .5  1
Rural Business Enterprise Grants 24.3  34  24  24  29.8
Intermediary Re-lending 17  19  19  17.7  19
RCDI 3.6  (8)  6.12  3.5  6.12
Rural Microenterprise Investment Program 0  3.4  0  0  0

*Subject to 5% and 2.5% across-the-board reduction.

Federal Housing and Community Development Programs
HUD Appropriations for Selected Programs by Fiscal Year
($ in millions)

HUD FY12 Final FY13 President’s Request FY13 Senate FY13 House FY13 Final
Neighborhood Reinvestment 135  127.1  135.3  145.3  135
Mortgage Foreclosure Mitigation 80  85.9  80  80  80
HOME 1000  996  1000  1200  1000
Capacity Building 0  35  0  0  0
Transformation Initiative 0  16  43 50  0
Housing Counseling 45  55  55 45  45
Community Development Fund 3508  3143  3210  3404  3408
CDBG Formula Funding (2948)  (2932)  (3100)  (3344)  (2948)
Catalytic Investment Competition Grants 0  0  0  0  0
Sustainable Communities 0  100  50 0  0
    Regional Planning Grants 0  46  0 0  0
    Community Challenge Grants 0  46  0 0  0
HUD-DOT Research 0  8  0 0  0
Rural Innovation Fund 0  0  0 0  0
University Community Fund 0  0  0 0  0
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative 120  150  120 0  120
Housing Trust Fund* (mandatory) 0  1000  0 0  0
SHOP 53.5  0  53.5  60  53.5
Section 108 240  240  500  244  240
Budget Authority 5.9  offset  offset  6  5.9
Section 202
Housing for the Elderly 374.6 475  375  425  374.6