The National Rural Housing Coalition (NRHC) is a national membership organization that advocates for better housing and community development programs and policies for rural areas. NRHC is pleased to provide the Millennial Housing Commission with the following recommendations on rural housing issues.
Anniversary Category: Reports
The Right to a Decent Home: A Pastoral Response to the Crisis in Housing
A Statement of the Catholic Bishops of the United States, November 20, 1975, citing research by the National Rural Housing Coalition showing that in 1976: The one percent of the population with incomes over $50,000 will receive more than ten percent of both direct and indirect housing subsidies (an estimated $1.4 billion in 1976). The… Continue reading The Right to a Decent Home: A Pastoral Response to the Crisis in Housing
1996 NRHC Board and Executive Committee
Many familiar names!
Letter to Nixon From Senators on Farmworker Housing Shortage
Letter from Senators Kennedy, Cranston, Hatfield, Stevenson, Case, Williams, Javits, Brooke, Hart, McGovern, Tunney, Moss, and Harris to Nixon.
Rural Housing Alliance News Service: George Rucker Testimony
Nearly one million families In rural areas, on the average, can only afford $14 a month for rent according to George Rucker, research director of the Rural Housing Alliance who testified today on the nation’s rural housing needs before the Senate Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs. Rucker used this and similar data to show… Continue reading Rural Housing Alliance News Service: George Rucker Testimony
Peter Carey Testifies on the FY 2008 USDA Budget
Madame Chairwoman my name is Peter Carey, I am the Executive Director of Self Help Enterprises and I am also past president and current board member of the National Rural Housing Coalition. The lead federal agency for providing assistance to our nation’s small towns and farming communities is the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)… Continue reading Peter Carey Testifies on the FY 2008 USDA Budget
Joe Myer Testifies on National Housing Trust proposal
Chairman Frank, Ranking Member Baucus, Congressman Michael Castle from my home state of Delaware, and Members of the Committee, my name is Joe Myer and I am the Executive Director of NCALL, Research, Inc. and a current board member of the National Rural Housing Coalition. We are pleased to offer our support for the National… Continue reading Joe Myer Testifies on National Housing Trust proposal
Congress Deals Rural Housing Organizations a Mixed Hand
Press Release: Congress holds on passing rural housing funding, despite strong indications for the need and history of strong bipartisan support
Rural Organizations Join in Opposition to White House Proposal to Shift USDA Rural Programs to HUD
Press release.
Letter: Congressional Rural Housing Caucus Forms
Dear Chairman, As required by the rules of the House, we are writing to officially inform you of our intention to form the Congressional Rural Housing Caucus, and to request the registration of the Caucus as a Congressional Member Organization (CMO) with the Committee on House Administration.