Use NRHC’s Advocacy Tools to strengthen your advocacy efforts and make your voice heard on Capitol Hill. Learn how to build relationships with your Senators, Representatives, Local Media, and members of your community.
- Making the Most of Congress’ Time At Home: In-District Advocacy. Learn how to best engage with your Senators and Representatives while they are at home in your district, whether by inviting them to visit your organization, meeting one-on-one, or partnering with other local organizations to host a Town Hall meeting.
- Local and Social Media 101. Learn how to use social media to build and sustain strong relationships with your Senators and Representatives by using local media and social media. This toolkit provides important tips on pitching news stories to your local media, publishing an op-ed, and using social media.
- Creating a Social Media Strategy 102. Learn how to create a social media strategy, regardless of your organization’s available resources. This toolkit was made possible through the generous support of Capital One.
- In-District Advocacy Webinar: Guest Speakers include Bob Rapoza and Audrey Johnston. Listen to the webinar or download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
- Local and Social Media Webinar: Guest Speakers include Ayrianne Parks, Sarah Mickelson, and NRHC Member Bailey Richards from the Housing Development Alliance. This webinar was made possible through the generous support of Capital One. Listen to the webinar or download a copy of our PowerPoint presentation.
Local Case Studies
- To highlight local case studies, feel free to use our Self-Help Housing Template and Rural Housing Success Story Template, and use our Fact Sheets on rural housing programs.